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Why is it good to be a Man?
November 2000,

- You don't have to queue to enter a public toilet
- You keep your name after marriage
- Wedding plans and children's parties get organised automatically
- Chocolate cake is just another delicious dessert
- You can wear white T-shirts in public swimming pools
You don't give a damn if someone notices about your new haircut
- Nobody fools you when you get your car repaired
- The world is your toilet!
- You don't need to look for another gas station 'cause this is too dirty
- Work the same, earn more...
- Gray hairs give you an interesting look
- So do wrinkles
- You don't need someone else to go to the toilet in a disco
- You rent your wedding suit for 20 bucks
- When you're 30, your parents don't care if your girlfriend is 20.
- Nobody stares at you chest when you're taking to them
- New shoes don't cut your feet
- Phone calls are 30 seconds long, at most
- You understand the rules of every sport
- On holidays, you carry lots less
- You can open every jar or bottle that you need
- You don't waist half of your income in the hairdresser
- If someone forgets to invite you to a party, they still can be your friends
- Your underware costs 10 bucks in package of 3
- If you're 30 and single nobody gives a shit
- You don't need to colour and powder your face
- Three pairs of shoes are just enough
- You can drop by to visit a friend without bringing a present
- If someone wears the same clothes in a party, you don't even notice it
- You don't loose half an hour trying to unscrew a bolt in the wrong direction
You can't see any wrinkle in your trousers
- You can drink from the bottle without making weird noises
- You don't have to remember to take the pill everyday
- The same hairstyle lasts for decades
- You can burp whenever you want
- You don't shave beyond your face
- Same wallet, all seasons
- You can have a manicure with a knife
- You have the decision to grow your moustache
- Christmas presents for 20 friends takes half an hour on the evening of the 24th
- If it's itchy, you scratch it
- You can take the rubbish out with a single piece of cloth on you
- No inexplicable mood changes
- You can have dinner with your boss without being misinterpreted
- etc...

--Ricardo Sosa (adapted and improved from a spam email)


 academic website: www.arch.usyd.edu.au/~rsos7705  


Ultima actualización / Last update: Oct, 2000..



Detengan esta locura de una vez - septiembre 11, 2001

Contenidos / Contents


Amigos / Australia / de Artificio / Cambodia / China / Egipto / España / Estados Unidos / Familia / Francia / Hong Kong / India / Indonesia / International House / Japón / Malasia / Marruecos / México / Nepal / Olímpicas / Singapur / Tailandia /


Australia / Cambodia / China / Egypt / Family / Fireworks / Friends / France / Hong Kong / India / Indonesia / International House / Japan / Malaysia / Mexico / Morocco / Nepal /Olimpics / Singapore / Spain / Thailand / United States /


Viajar /Página Purépecha / "Retoucher" / México en Blanco y Negro / Popocatépetl / Galería de Gloria Zelaya / Mis Películas Favoritas / Poesía en Español / Página de las Nostalgias / Posgrado en Diseño /


Purépecha homepage / "Retoucher" / Mexico in Black and White / Popocatépetl / Gallery of Gloria Zelaya / My Favourite Movies / Poetry in English / Nostalgic homepage /


Muerte por Transpiración / soy (bitácora de un viaje con final pendiente) / porqué es bueno ser Hombre? / historias de Egipto / ensayo sobre la soledad / viaje a Bali / la luna de octubre / viaje por Java / eso yo no lo sabía... / historia de Singapur / el festival Thimiti / un año ha... / Carta a Germán


why is it good to be a Man? /

